
Thanks for stopping by. This is my new blog, where I hope to share the tech I’m passionate about, the personal projects I’m working on, as well as hints and tips from my experience.

Key things I’m passionate about:

Microsoft Cloud

I’ve been working with Microsoft Azure now since 2014, and Microsoft 365 since 2016, after a career working with Windows Server, Exchange Server and System Center.

Infrastructure as Code

I’m fully onboard with the DevOps culture and mindset, and the only way to be efficient is to automate and not waste time clicking through a GUI.


Specifically with PowerShell, it’s hugely versatile, and makes automating tasks, from simple commands, to complex functions easy.

CD/CD Pipeline

Automating deployments and releases using Azure Pipelines, so you can rollout changes to multiple environments after a repo commit quickly. Amazing.

More from me

Check out my LinkedIn profile for more info about me and my career, as well as my GitHub, where you’ll find the personal projects I’ve been working on.

If you have questions, feel free to drop me a message.